![Novena Bunda Maria Selalu Menolong](https://zugf.elpasodemocrats.org/static/novena-bunda-maria-selalu-menolong.jpg)
Novena Bunda Maria Selalu Menolong
We Long for God, O Virgin Mary
We Long for God, O Virgin Mary
Incline thine ear unto our prayers
We now implore thee, Mother of Mercy
O grant thy childrens' heart desire.
Bless us, O Bless us Mother
List' to our cry of faith
We long for God, he is our Father
We long for God he is our King
We long for God, he is our Father
We long for God he is our King
We long for God, may all our dear ones
process his love in heart and have home
with daughters pure and sons courageous
all hearts on fire with love for him
Mary Immaculate, Star of the Morning
Mary Immaculate, Star of the Morning
Chosen before the creation began,
Destined to bring, through the light of your dawning
Conquest of Satan and rescue to men.
Bend from your throne at the voice of our crying.
Look to this earth where your footsteps have trod.
Stretch out your arms to us, living and dying,
Mary Immaculate, Mother of God.
We, sinners, honor your sinless perfection;
Fallen and weak, for God’s mercy we plead.
Grant us the shield of your mighty protection
Measure your aid by the depth of our need
Novena Bunda Maria Selalu Menolong
Oh…. Maria Bunda Selalu Menolong,
Wajahmu tenang dan sabar, tunduk dan runduk memantulkan jiwa keibuan yang teduh.
Matamu lurus menatap mantap bercampur duka dalam cinta mengundang manusia untuk mengangkat Bunda sebagai pengacara kepada Bapa.
Tangan tanganmu mendekap hangat dan erat Yesus, Sang Putera, menunjukkan-Nya kepada manusia sambil berkata: “Wahai manusia, inilah Sang Emanuel, harta paling berharga bagi dunia! Kini, lihatlah Yesus, Puteraku dan Putera Allah, ketika sinar mata-Nya menatap tajam tanda-tanda kesengsaraan, dan menerawang jauh ke depan, Ia menggumam pelan: ‘Duka-Ku terus membayang di depan mata-Ku’. Bila derita itu terjadi dan Ia dibuatnya tak berdaya, peluklah kasih kebundaanku terbuka dan mencari, membuatnya tergesa berlari tak peduli kasut-Nya jatuh lepas dari kaki.”
Oh…. Maria Bunda Selalu Menolong, Di telapak tangan Bunda, jari-jari mungil beristirahat tenang, ringan untuk digerakkan, pasrah kemana diarahkan, seolah berkata: “Bunda, kemana Puteramu harus menaruh berkat? Kepada siapa penyelamatan-Ku berlari?”
Oh…. Maria Bunda Selalu Menolong, Kami kenang kembali drama kehidupan Penebus kami. Melalui kabar Malaikat Ia telah memilihmu menjadi Bunda-Nya; Melalui Malaikat, Santo Yosef tidak ragu akan keajaiban itu; Melalui Malaikat, para gembala berjumpa dengan Puteramu; Melalui Malaikat, para murid menerima kabar kebangkitan itu! Kini, kami datang kepadamu, oh…. Maria Bunda Selalu Menolong, engkaulah pembimbing dan penolong keluarga kami, engkaulah pembicara dan pengacara kami, untuk maksud dan ujud kami kepada Bapa melalui Puteramu, yaitu,
…. sampaikan permohonan anda …. Ya Maria Bunda Selalu Menolong, doakanlah kami. Amin.
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Novena Kepad Maria Bunda Selalu Menolong
Novena Kepada Bunda Maria Yang Selalu Menolong
Novena kepada Maria Bunda Selalu Menolong, biasanya didoakan bersama-sama sebagai suatu rangkaian ibadat kebaktian kepada Maria dan penghormatan kepada Sakramen Mahakudus. Penghormatan kepada Sakramen Mahakudus sering diganti dengan perayaan Ekaristi Kudus. Biasanya novena dipimpin oleh seorang imam atau diakon, atau pemimpin ibadat yang mempunyai wewenang untuk memimpin kebaktian. Novena ini dapat juga dijadikan doa pribadi. Dalam buku ini dikisahkan sejarah singkat tentang makna gambar Bunda Maria Selalu Menolong yang berada di Gereja Santo Alfonsus di Roma.
Our lady of Perpetual Help
Gambar ini adalah gambar ajaib Santa Perawan Maria Penolong Abadi. Semua huruf yang tertera dalam gambar ini adalah huruf Yunani dan semua kata disingkatkan. Keterangan dari gambar ini adalah sebagai berikut:
1.Di sebelah kiri dan kanan mahkota Maria tertera Matertheou, yaitu Bunda Allah.
2.Malaikat di sebelah kiri adalah O Archanggelos Michael, yaitu Malaikat Agung Mikhael. Ia di gambarkan memegang tombak dan lembing serta bejana beris cuka dan empedu.
3.Malaikat di sebelah kanan adalah O Archanggelos Gabriel. yaitu Malaikat Agung Gabriel. Ia memegang salib dan paku-paku.
4.Bunda Maria sedang memangku Iesous Kristos, yaitu Yesus Kristus ketika masih kanak-kanak.
Gambar Bunda Maria ini mengandung makna dan nilai teologis yang sangat dalam. Gambar ini bukan hanya mempersatukan Maria dengan Kanak-kanak Yesus, tetapi juga dengan karya keselamatan yang dilaksanakan Yesus dalam wafat-Nya
Pada Bunda Maria, Kanak-kanak Yesus mendapatkan perlindungan, dengan menggendong dan memegang tangan-Nya; tetapi Bunda Maria tidak memandang-Nya, melainkan memandang orang (kita sendiri) yang berdoa di depan gambar ini.
Jadi gambar ini mengungkapkan 3 peristiwa:
1. Peristiwa gembira, Maria mendapat kabar gembira dari Malaikat Gabriel
2. Peristiwa sedih, Yesus yang menderita sengsara dan wafat di kayu salib.
3. Peristiwa mulia, Yesus dan Maria naik ke surga dan di muliakan di surga dengan mahkota di atas kepala Bunda Maria dan Kanak-kanak Yesus.
Novena Maria Bunda Selalu Menolong
Allah Bapa kami yang penuh belas kasih, kami berhimpun di hadapan-Mu bersama Santa Perawan Maria, Bunda Putra-Mu dan Bunda kami. Kami bawa segala suka dan duka hidup kami dihadapan-Mu. Berilah kami rahmat untuk setia dan taat kepada- Mu sebagaimana telah diteladankan oleh Bunda Maria. Semoga melalui pertolongannya kami memperoleh rahmat yang berlimpah dari-Mu. Dengan perantaraan Yesus Kristus, Putra-Mu, Tuhan kami, yang hidup dan berkuasa bersama Dikau dan Roh Kudus, kini dan sepanjang masa.
P :Marilah kita berdoa
U :Ingatlah ya Perawan Maria yang rahim, bahwa belum pernah terdengar engkau meninggalkan orang yang mencari perlindunganmu, yang memohon pertolonganmu, yang minta perantaraanmu. Terdorong oleh kerpercayaan itu kami datang berlindung kepadamu, ya perawan segala perawan dan Bunda kami. Kami datang kepadamu, kami orang yang berdosa ini memohon kepadamu Bunda Sang Sabda, janganlah kau tolak permohonan kami. Bunda Sang Sabda dengarlah kami dan antarkanlah permohonan kami kepada Yesus Kristus Putra-Mu. Dialah Juruselamat dan Tuhan kami, yang hidup dan berkuasa bersama Bapa dan Roh Kudus kini dan sepanjang masa. Amin.
Allah Bapa, kami menghormati dan mengenang Bunda Putra-Mu. Kini kami membawa persembahan roti dan anggur serta seluruh niat kami. Semoga hidup kami menjadi persembahan yang harum bagi-Mu. Demi Kristus Tuhan dan Penebus kami, yang hidup dan berkuasa, kini dan sepanjang masa. Amin.
P : Marilah kita menggabungkan diri dengan Maria untuk bersyukur dan memuji Allah.
U : Aku mengagungkan Tuhan, hatiku bersuka ria karena Allah penyelamatku. Sebab Ia memperhatikan daku, hamba-Nya yang hina ini. Mulai sekarang aku disebut yang bahagia oleh sekalian bangsa.Sebab perbuatan besar dikerjakan bagiku oleh Yang Mahakuasa,kuduslah nama-Nya. Kasih sayang-Nya turun temurun kepada orang yang takwa. Perkasalah perbuatan tangan-Nya ; dicerai beraikan-Nya orang yang angkuh hatinya. Orang yang berkuasa diturunkan-Nya dari tahta ; yang hina dina diangkat-Nya. Orang lapar dikenyangkan-Nya dengan kebaikan; orang kaya diusir-Nya pergi dengan tangan kosong. Menurut janji-Nya kepada leluhur kita. Allah telah menolong Israel hamba-Nya. Demi kasih sayang-Nya kepada Abraham serta keturunan-Nya untuk selama-lamanya.
P : Ya Maria, Engkaulah Bunda Kristus.
I+U Ya Maria, Bunda Selalu Menolong, demi cintamu kepada Allah dan kepada kami anak-anakmu yang berdosa, kami mohon kepadamu pandanglah dari Surga, kami anak-anakmu. Semoga berkat doa-doamu, iman kami kepada Allah Tritunggal semakin teguh dan doa-doa kami dalam novena ini di terima oleh Allah. Mohonkanlah kerahiman Allah bagi kami, semoga berkat doamu juga, kami dapat memperoleh apa yang kami mohonkan dengan tulus dalam novena ini, demi keselamatan kami dan sesuai dengan perkenanan Allah, sebab yang kami inginkan adalah hidup menurut kehendak Allah. Bunda Maria Penolong Abadi, doakanlah kami. Amin.
(Imam berdoa, umat menjawab)
I : Bunda Maria, engkaulah Bunda Yang Selalu Menolong. Di telapak n tangan Bunda, jari-jari mungil beristirahat tenang, ringan untuk digerakkan, pasrah ke mana diarahkan seolah ia berkata “Bunda, ke mana Putramu harus menaruh berat? Kepada siapa penyelamatku berlari?”
U : Ya, Maria Bunda Selalu Menolong, doakanlah kami.
I : Oh ...... Maria, Bunda Selalu Menolong, kami kenang kembali drama kehidupan Penebus kami Yesus Kristus.
U : Ya, Maria Bunda Selalu Menolong, doakanlah kami.
I : Melalui kabar Malaikat, Ia telah memilihmu menjadi Bunda-Nya.
U : Ya, Maria Bunda Selalu Menolong, doakanlah kami.
I : Melalui Malaikat, Santo Yusuf tidak ragu akan kekehendak Allah.
U : Ya, Maria Bunda Selalu Menolong, doakanlah kami.
I : Melalui Malaikat, para gembala berjumpa dengan Putramu Yesus Kristus.
U : Ya, Maria Bunda Selalu Menolong, doakanlah kami.
I : Melalui Malaikat, para murid menerima kabar Kebangkitan Yesus Kristus.
U : Ya, Maria Bunda Selalu Menolong, doakanlah kami.
I : Kini, kami datang kepadamu, Bunda Maria Selalu Menolong, engkaulah pembimbing dan penolong kami. Engkaulah pembicara dan pengantara kami, untuk intensi doa novena kami kepada Bapa melalui Putramu Yesus Kristus.
U : Ya, Maria Bunda Selalu Menolong, doakanlah kami.
Ya Maria, Bunda Selalu Menolong, kami datang kepadamu dan menaruh harapan kepadamu. Engkaulah Bunda yang penuh belaskasih. Engkaulah perlindungan dan harapan para pendosa. Maka, jadilah perlindungandan harapan kami. Tolo nglah kami demi kasih Yesus Kristus, ulurkanlah tanganmu kepada kami orang yang berdosa ini.
Kami memuji dan bersyukur kepada Allah atas anugerah-Nya yang telah memberi kami pengharapan dalam dirimu, Bunda Maria. Dalam kehidupan kami sehari-hari, kami sering berdosa tetapi berkat bantuanmu ya Bunda Maria, kami sanggup mengalahkan dosa, dan engkau selalu menolong kami bila kami berseru kepadamu. Semoga dalam segala godaan, kami berpaling kepadamu dan berseru: ”ya Maria,
Bunda Selalu Menolong, tolonglah kami. Jangan biarkan kami kehilangan Allah”. Doakanlah kami ya Maria Bunda yang selalu menolong kami, agar kami dapat menikmati janji Kristus. Amin.
Salam Maria, penuh rahmat, Tuhan sertamu. Terpujilah engkau di antara wanita, dan terpujilah buah tubuhmu Yesus. Santa Maria, Bunda Allah, doakanlah kami yang berdosa ini, sekarang, dan waktu kami mati. Amin.
Kemuliaan kepada Bapa dan Putra dan Roh Kudus. Seperti padapermulaan, sekarang, selalu, dan sepanjang segala abad. Amin.
Allah Bapa Yang Mahakuasa dan Kekal, pandanglah kami semua anak- Mu yang berdosa ini bersujud di hadapan-Mu. Kami mau meneladani Bunda Maria. Kami percaya kepada-Mu, sebab Engkaulah Allah Yang Mahabenar. Kami berharap pada-Mu, sebab Engkaulah sumber kebahagiaan kami. Engkaulah Allah Yang Mahakuasa, yang selalu setia pada janji-Mu.
Kami mencintai Engkau lebih dari segalanya, sebab Engkau Mahabaik dan patut dicintai. Kami sungguh menyesal atas dosa-dosa kami, sebab kami telah menghina Engkau yang Mahamurah dan Mahabaik bagi kami.
Kami tidak pantas menghadap hadirat-Mu, tetapi dengan penuh kepercayaan kami mohon belas kasih-Mu. Demi Yesus Kristus Putra-Mu dan Juru Selamat kami yang hidup dan berkuasa bersama Dikau ya Bapa dan Roh Kudus, kini dan sepanjang segala masa. Amin.
Allah Bapa Yang Mahakuasa, kami bersyukur atas Sakramen Ekaristi yang kami rayakan ini. Kami menghormati Perawan Maria, Bunda kami yang selalu menolong melalui novena ini. Sudilah melimpahkan berkat dan kasih sayang-Mu kepada kami. Semoga iman dan kasih serta teladan Bunda Maria menyemangati kami untuk melayani-Mu lebih setia dalam mewujudkan karya penyelamatan-Mu. Dengarkanlah dan kabulkanlah intensi doa kami melalui Bunda Maria yang selalu menolong kami. Demi Yesus Kristus, Putra-Mu dan penyelamat kami, yang hidup dan berkuasa bersama Dikau dan Roh Kudus, kini dan sepanjang masa. Amin.
propagated by the Redemptorist Priests
(Pray this Novena for nine days)
In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
Come, Holy Ghost, Creator blest,
And in our Souls take up Thy rest,
Come with Thy grace and heavenly aid
To fill the hearts which Thou hast made.
O Comforter, to thee we cry,
Thou heav'nly Gift of God most High;
Thou fount of life, and fire of love,
And sweet anointing from above,
And sweet anointing from above.
O Holy Ghost, through thee alone,
Know we the Father and the Son;
Be this our ne er unchanging creed,
That thou dost from them both proceed,
That thou dost from them both proceed.
Spirit of God in the clear running water,
Blowing to greatness the trees on the hill,
Spirit of God in the finger of morning,
Fill the earth, bring it to birth and
Blow, blow, blow till I be
But breath of the Spirit blowing in me
Spirit of God, every man's heart is lonely.
Watching and waiting and hungry until,
Spirit of God, man longs that you only
Fill the earth, bring it to birth and blow where You will.
Blow, blow, blow till I be
But breath of the Spirit blowing in me
Dear brothers and sisters, we are grateful to God for the many blessings we have received from Him, through the intercession of our Mother of Perpetual help. let us once more ask her to pray for us.
V : That we may be faithful to prayer everyday of our lives.
V. : That you may give us courage in our difficulties.
V. : When hurt and tempted to take revenge.
V. : That we may be pure in thought , word and deed
V. : That if we fall into sin we may quickly return to Christ.
V. : In time of sickness in the home.
V. : In worries about financial difficulties.
V. : In misunderstanding with those we love
V. : That the Holy Spirit guide our young people in choosing their of life
V. : That those who rule our nation may act wisely, justly and for the good of all
V. : That workers may be justly rewarded for an honest day's work.
V. : That the Holy Spirit may give strength and courage to Pope N to lead the church of Christ.
V. : That we may never grow so proud as to think we can do without God or religion.
V. : That our deceased relatives and friends may share Christ 's glory forever.
V : When faced with difficult decisions.
V. : When put to shame in front of others.
V. : That we may forgive from our heart those who have hurt us
V. : That we may not resort to drugs, drink or gambling as an escape from life
V. : That parents and children may grow in understanding for one another
V. : In choosing our entertainment and recreation.
V. : That young people may accept the challenge of the Christian faith
V. : That we may be blessed with an increase of priestly and religious vocations.
V. : That we may work for the just distribution of this world's goods
V. : That we may always take pride in doing our work well.
V. : That we may be community- minded and willing to serve others.
V. : That we may bring the knowledge of Christ to those who do not know Him.
V. : That many may accept Christ through Baptism.
V. : That we may die at peace with Christ and our fellow-men.
V. : That we may prepare like you for the coming of Christ at Christmas.
V. : That people may see Christ living again in us.
V. : That we may give our hearts completely to Christ this Christmas
V. : That we may appreciate Christ's love in becoming one of us
V. : That we may practice self denial and penance this Lent
V. : That we may have a deeper sorrow for sin
V. : That we may rejoice with you at Christ's Easter victory over sin
V. : That we may really believe that Christ is alive and with us
V. : That we may be filled with the Holy Spirit and be courageous witnesses of Christ
V. : That the Holy Spirit may move us to live a full Christian life
Heavenly father * we ask you to hear our petitions * and grant them * through the prayers of Mary our Mother * Amen
O Mother of Perpetual Help * we come to you * and put our trust in you * You are a mother of mercy * You are called by all * the refuge and the hope of sinners; * be then our refuge and our hope * Help us for the love of Jesus Christ, * Stretch out your hand to us poor sinners. * We bless and thank God for giving us this confidence in you. * In the past we have so often sinned * but with your help we can conquer, * and you will help us if we pray to you. * In all our temptations * may we always turn to you and say: * Mary help me! * Let me never lose my God. Amen
V : Let us join with the Christians of all ages, to praise Mary and place ourselves under her care.
R : Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus, Holy Mary Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
V: Let us share with Mary her prayer of praise and thanksgiving to God.
My soul magnifies the Lord *
My spirit rejoices in God my Savior *
He looks on his servant in her nothingness;*
Henceforth all generations shall call me blessed *
The Almighty works marvels for me, *
His mercy is from age to age *
On those who fear Him *
He put forth his arm in strength, *
and scattered the proud-hearted *
He casts the mighty from their thrones, *
and raises the lowly *
He fills the starving with good things, *
Send the rich away empty *
He protect Israel, his servant,*
The mercy promised to our fathers, *
For Abraham and his sons forever
V : Mary, you are the Mother of Christ.
R : And you are our Mother also.
Heavenly Father * we thank You with all our heart * for giving us Mary, to be our Mother, * She is so loving, so thoughtful * so understanding, so kind, * We thank you for her. Amen
Remember, O Most gracious Virgin Mary, * That never was it known,* That anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help * or sought thy intercession,* was left unaided * Inspired with this confidence,* I fly to thee, O virgin of Virgins, my Mother * To thee I come , * before thee I stand, * sinful and sorrowful, * O Mother of the world Incarnate * Despise not my petitions, * but in thy mercy hear and answer me. Amen
lord Jesus Christ * You bore our suffering and carried our sorrows, * hear our prayers for the sick. * help them to unite themselves with your sufferings, * and if it is your will, may they get better. * Let them never forget that you care for them.* Amen
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name, Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses , as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus , Holy Mary Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen
Mary, from thy sacred image,
With those eyes so sadly sweet,
Mother of perpetual Succour!
See us kneeling at thy feet.
In thy arms thy Child thou bearest
Source of all thy joy and woe;
What thy bliss, how deep thy sorrows,
Mother , thou alone canst know
On they face he is not gazing,
Nor on us is turned His glace;
For His anxious look he fixed
On the cross and reed and lance
To they hand His hands are clinging,
As a child would cling in fear
Of that vision of the torments
Of His Passion drawing near,
And for Him thine eyes are pleading,
while to us they look and cry;
"Sinners, see my child, your Saviour,
Who for love of you will die."
Yes, we hear they words, sweet Mother
But, poor sinners, we are weak;
At they feet they helpless children
They perpetual Succour seek.
Succour us when stormy passions
Sudden rise within our heart;
Quell the tempest, calm the billows.
Peace secure to us impart,
Through this life of weary exile
And when death shall come to free us,
Succour us, ah! then indeed.
Down in adoration falling,
This great Sacrament we hail;
Ancient types have long departed.
Newer rites of grace prevail.
Faith for all defects supplying
Where the feeble senses fail.
Glory let us give and blessing
To the Father and the Son,
Honor, might and praise addressing
While eternal ages run;
Equal praise to Him confessing
Who proceeds from Both as one
V : You have given them bread from heaven (Alleluia).
R : Having in itself all delight (Alleluia)
O God, in this wonderful Sacrament You have left us a memorial of your Passion. We ask You to enable us to worship the sacred mysteries of Your Body and blood that we may constantly feel in our lives the effects of Your Redemption: You Who live and reign for ever and ever R : Amen
Blessed be His Holy Name
Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true Man
Blessed be the Name of Jesus
Blessed be His most Sacred Heart
Blessed be His Most Precious Blood
Blessed be Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar
Blessed be the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete
Blessed be the great Mother of God, Mary most Holy
Blessed be her Holy and Immaculate Conception
Blessed be Her Glorious Assumption
Blessed be the Name of Mary, Virgin and Mother
Blessed be St. Joseph, her most chaste Spouse
Blessed be God in His Angels and in His Saints.
Mother dearest, Mother Fairest,
Help of all who call on Thee,
Virgin Purest, brightest, rarest
Help us, help we cry to thee
Mary, Help us, help we pray
Mary, Help us, help we pray
Help us in all care and sorrow,
Mary, Help us, help we pray
2. Mary, help in pain and sorrow
Soothe those rack'd on bed of pain
May the golden light of morrow
Bring them health and joy again.
3. Mary, help the absent loved ones;
How we miss their presence here,
May the hand of Thy protection,
Guard and guide them far and near.
Alphonsus novena church. Singapore
Mother dear, O pray for me!
Mother dear, O pray for me!
Whilst far from heav'n and thee.
I wander in a fragile bark,
O'er life's tempestuous sea.
O Virgin Mother, from thy throne,
So bright in bliss above.
Protect thy child and cheer my path
With thy sweet smile of love.
Mother dear, remember me!
And never cease thy care,
'Till in heaven eternally,
Thy love and bliss I share.
Mother dear, O pray for me!
Should pleasure's siren lay.
E'er tempt thy child to wander far
From Virtue's path away.
When thorns beset life's devious way,
And darkling waters flow.
Then Mary aid thy weeping child,
Thyself a mother show.
Jesus My Lord, My God, My All
Jesus, my Lord, my God, my all!
How can I love Thee as I ought?
And how revere this wondrous gift,
So far surpassing hope or thought?
Sweet Sacrament, we Thee adore!
Oh, make us love Thee more and more.
Oh, make us love Thee more and more.
Had I but Mary's sinless heart
To love Thee with, my dearest King,
Oh, with what bursts of fervent praise,
Thy goodness, Jesus, would I sing!
Daily, daily sing to Mary Hymn
Daily, daily sing to Mary,
Sing, my soul, her praises due:
All her feasts, her actions honor
With the heart's devotion true.
Lost in wond'ring contemplation,
Be her majesty confessed:
Call her Mother, call her Virgin,
Happy Mother, Virgin blest.
She is mighty in her pleading,
Tender in her loving care;
Ever watchful, understanding,
All our sorrows she will share.
Advocate and loving mother,
Mediatrix of all grace:
Heaven's blessings she dispenses
On our sinful human race.
Compiled by Ben Chang
O Purest of creatures
O purest of creatures! sweet Mother, sweet Maid;
The one spotless womb wherein Jesus was laid.
Dark night hath come down on us, Mother, and we
Look out for thy shining, sweet Star of the Sea.
2 Earth gave Him one lodging; ’twas deep in thy breast,
And God found a home where the sinner finds rest;
His home and His hiding-place, both were in thee;
He was won by thy shining, sweet Star of the Sea.
Hail, Queen of Heaven.
Hail, Queen of Heaven, the ocean Star,
Guide of the wanderer here below,
Thrown on life's surge, we claim thy care:
Save us from peril and from woe.
Mother of Christ, star of the sea,
Pray for the wanderer, pray for me.
O gentle, chaste and spotless Maid,
From sin's domain God kept thee free,
Plead with thy Son, for He has paid
The price of our iniquity.
Virgin most pure, star of the sea,
Pray for the sinner, pray for me.
I hear the bells of Mary’s Ave ringing
I hear the bells of Mary’s Ave ringing
Joy to my heart, like angel voices singing
Calling to prayer with echoes from afar
O Gabriel, sent down from heaven’s bright glory
To tell to men this true and wondrous story
I join with thee to praise God’s brightest star
Ave Maria, Ave Maria!
O Queen assumed, star crowned in God’s celestial light
May thy sweet name be on my lips in death’s dark night
Guide me to Heaven, O radiant Morning Star
Mary, dearest Mother,
From thy heavenly height,
Look on us, thy children,
Lost in earth's dark night.
Oh! we pray thee, loved Mary,
Mary, fondly we entreat,
Guide us to our Sweet Saviour,
And leave us at His feet.
Mary shield us from danger,
Keep our souls from sin,
Help thy exiled children,
Heaven at last to win.
Mother of our Saviour,
Hear our pleading pray'r;
Take us 'neath thy mantle,
Hide, oh, hide us there!